firefighters of the year

Recipients Matt Gunter (5th from Left), Chelsea Berg and Dave Bunting.

On Monday October 3rd, at our monthly business meeting, 3 of our members were recognized as being Firefighter of the Year. This award ceremony, held by the Exchange Club of Danbury, has been postponed for the last 2 years due to Covid. We were finally able to recognize these members for their dedication and hard work to the citizens and visitors of the Town of Bethel. The recipients are as follows:

2020- Lieutenant David Bunting

2021- Chief Engineer Matt Gunter

2022- Engineer Chelsea Berg

These members have gone above and beyond year after year and are an integral part of the success of our department. In a few weeks, our recipients will be honored with dozens of other honorees at a statewide dinner at the Aquaturf.


shfd’s newest firefighters


mutual aid to newtown